
Over the last 12 months, we have witnessed Velocity bring lots of new partners such as freedom furniture, snooze, Ola etc into the fold. To be honest, they seem to have lost just as many partners if not more, with the most recent loss being that of BP.

Well, it seems uno, pronounced ‘you know‘, is the latest to jump on the Velocity bandwagon and is currently offering members an easy 1,000 Velocity points for undertaking a quick 5 minute task. Before I actually get into the deal, a little bit about uno.

Who is uno

uno is an online mortgage broker that claims it can negotiate a great home loan deal for you, courtesy it’s relationship with a vast array of bank & non-bank lenders. If you already happen to have a home loan, uno could help you find and switch into a better deal.

For more information, look up uno’s wesbite.

What is the deal

Firstly, you can only take advantage of this deal if you have an existing home loan. Under the promotion, you are required to undertake a ‘health check’ of your loan. This is done by answering some basic questions on your loan, which like I said, should not take you any more than 3-5 minutes to complete.

Make sure you provide your Velocity number where prompted.

uno's loan health check
Do a health check of your loan in 3 steps and earn 1,000 Velocity points

Once this is done, your loan will get a score which is a number between 1-100. I got a score of 54, which uno said falls in the ‘red’ zone, meaning my loan is in poor shape (thanks CBA). If uno can improve your loan and help you save some cash, they may call you to discuss it at a later time. Remember though, there is no commitment or obligation whatsoever, to go with their recommendations.

There is also a separate promotion for those looking to take out a new home-loan or refinance an existing one. If you obtain and settle the new loan through uno by 30th September 2020, you will go into a draw to win 100,000 Velocity points. You can read more about that offer on this link.

My Thoughts

These offers are typically made to create brand awareness and build-up a database of potential customers. The cost incurred by businesses, in terms of awarding free points are relatively minor.

Some people may not feel comfortable disclosing their personal financial information online, and that is completely fine. Personally though, having had my own home-loan analysed and scored, I never felt like I was giving away anything overly sensitive.

If you want to take advantage of this promotion, you can do so through this link. As always, make sure you have read through and understood the full T&C’s before you proceed. You can do that right here.

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